Sonntag, 25. November 2018

Rayo versus Barca

Very good move from Boixos Nois (the new generation is coming strong) and well played by Bukaneros.

The thing is: a few years ago Bukaneros made a trip to Barcelona. They were playing against the second team of Barça and wanted to make a move against Boixos pub. They took around 100 lads and actually attacked a bunch of Boixos (mostly youth) that had gathered for the occasion. Bukaneros outnumbered Boixos in that fight, although the latter did their best. After the incident Bukaneros decided not to stay in Barcelona for the game and went back to Madrid—some say they wanted to avoid police repression, others say they didn't want to face Boixos Nois old faces. All in all, I think everyone not too blind to think straight regarded what happened as a great move by Rayo Vallecano guys.

Since that trip everyone here has been expecting Boixos to make an attempt against Bukaneros. And that's what happened a couple of weeks ago; Boixos Nois took around 100 lads to Madrid and managed to avoid the cops until they reached Vallecas (Bukaneros suburb). Once in Vallecas, they attacked Bukaneros pub. The locals, on the other hand, were expecting the move and they had a lot of people ready to fight back. Which they did.

In the video posted by "hegemonia" you can see Boixos on the right, retreating, and Bukaneros on the left, charging. This was filmed after Boixos attempt at Bukaneros pub.