Samstag, 27. Januar 2018
Montag, 22. Januar 2018
Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018
“Connewitz in Schutt und Asche legen”
Vor dem brisanten Duell zwischen den BSG Chemie Leipzig und dem FC Energie Cottbus kochen bereits die Emotionen in den sozialen Netzwerken ala Facebook und Twitter hoch. Hintergrund: Während Anhänger von Chemie der linken Szene zugeschrieben werden, steht man in Cottbus politisch eher rechts.Unterstützung werden die Gästefans an diesem Tag sicherlich auch wieder aus dem befreundeten Chemnitz bekommen. Zuletzt machte die C&C-Fanfreundschaft in Babelsberg bundesweit Schlagzeilen, als es dort zu massiven Ausschreitungen sowie politischen Aktionen einiger verbotener Fangruppen gekommen war.
Frei (?)staat Bayern ?
ALTÖTTING. Ein unbeschriebenes Blatt ist der 23-Jährige, der am vergangenen Donnerstag im Amtsgericht Altötting auf der Anklagebank saß, beleibe nicht.
Der Arztsohn, der zumindest früher der Burghauser Hooliganszene angehörte, ist bei der Justiz schon ein „alter Bekannter“. Zwischen 2012 und 2015 musste er sich wegen mehrfacher Körperverletzung, Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte, versuchte Gefangenenbefreiung, Landfriedensbruch und den Umgang mit explosionsgefährlichen Stoffen verantworten.
Der Arztsohn, der zumindest früher der Burghauser Hooliganszene angehörte, ist bei der Justiz schon ein „alter Bekannter“. Zwischen 2012 und 2015 musste er sich wegen mehrfacher Körperverletzung, Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte, versuchte Gefangenenbefreiung, Landfriedensbruch und den Umgang mit explosionsgefährlichen Stoffen verantworten.
Samstag, 20. Januar 2018
Stellungnahme von Grobari Jug !
After happening at Derby, all kind of shit and bad comments started upon South (Juzna Tribina).
Internet campaign with well known methods,where they are using all kind of tricks to spin reality
twist facts and minds of common citizen to think that all of Undertakers (Grobari) are same.
They are putting labels on us, such as Gypsies (Cigani), Informers/Rats(Dousnici), Cops(Policajci/Murijasi).
Brain washing is happening big time through social network such as Facebook and forums which they
are saying that they contain "truth".
Without any confusion and lies, I would like to admit and say that South(Juzna Tribina) is not perfect
We have to put a lot of effort and
work together and then we can place South on honest foundations.
South (Juzna Tribina) has its winnings and losings, sometimes more, sometimes less which is absolutely normal.
One quarter of Undertakers (Grobari) are attending games and they are active in everything that is happening there.
Three quarters of Undertakers are not coming to games for couple of years already, and their word or voice can be heard only
in case when they are spiting on us through Internet.
First group of guys that i was telling you about are strong and brave.They are not hesitating to go in "war" and they will do anything
to defend name of Partizan and Undertakers ( Grobari ).
We have several generations of youngsters which never had equal opponent.
Meaning to say (in other words): They are growing up in opressing and bad environment, they are standing their ground always,no matter what
which is really important if we concider fact that they are always outnumbered by their opponent.
Youngsters,together with us "Older" guys are helping to maintain our South and to keep it going and growing.
Main point is that guys from other group were once with us, side by side, and now they gave them selves right to talk shit and spitt on us
from their comfortable houses,apartments,rooms.
Counting defeats,laughing and over all they never moved their finger to help South become stronger and better, while they were with us!
Sometimes it looks like they made "Deal With The Devil" to fix their twisted minds and help their frustrations to go away.
We want to say to all people on South, do not hate our brothers on other side, there is a lot of righteous, good and brave people there!
Because their minds fell for tricks and picture they see is bigger than they can see , there is always other side of story!
False idols are making everything different and twisted, those idols made them believe in fairy tales!
Mistake can happen to anybody, point is to realize that mistake and to make it right while there is still time for changes,
South will never allow those "False Idols" to start avalanche of negativity and call us names they're inventing with their twisted minds.
We cannot allow them to call us Gypsies( Cigani), them, who brought those Gypsies to stand with us and pretend to be our friends and brothers!
To call us " COWARDS" ?!
Running around trying to catch a cab and go from there as far as possible, leaving kids which could loose their lifes.
Some of them escaped outside,some of them jumped over fense to be on West,East, some of there hid themselves im crowd so nobody can recognize them.
Nobody stayed there with those kids and couple of guys from Croatia (Hrvatska).
Ok,when that kind of people call us "COWARDS", we cannot take it as an insult.
Sad thing is that they took money for family of our beloved Demir, God rests his soul, and paid their debts.
Saying that Demir is their brother,still.
No shame at all.
People who took money for our brothers in jails all over the country and spend it on gamble.
To be exact 13.000 euros
People who call our players to give money for our brothers in jail and put it in their pockets.
Tracksuits of FC Partizan selling in city of Kosovska Mitrovica and they where intended for kids.
To call us various names people who brought people from Croatia who will attack rest of Grobari (Undertakers).
Tell Albanians where we keep our flags?
Those people are talking about honor and fair play!?
On top of everything they are not coming to games but thinking that they are bosses.
They give orders ,everyone obeys.
Sorry but it cannot be like that, it will never be like that!
Who were people form Croatia and why? No answer from them.
They are saying that they want "righteous" and "clean" things to happen between us.
And yet we see intruders among us!
Stop telling shit to youngsters, stop making them attack their brothers, so couple of you can make money while they are killing each other.
Stop twisting story about Demir Jukic, it turns out that guys from South killed him. Thas is a big lie!
He got killed by friends of your leader,your leader is hanging out with them on daily basis.
Favorite guest in 21.Blok !
He, who is now on top of "Odred Demira Jukica", didnt even came at Demir's funeral, nor Alen's, nor funeral of Ivan Perovic.
But he was there in first lines at funeral of Velibor Dunjic.
The guy who was shooting at Grobari, stabbing and trying to do all kind of things
South continues where it stopped, we are going to follow Partizan where ever he is!
We gonna teach our youngsters to be real knights to be honest and righteous.
We are going to teach them to be good to their brothers no matter on which side they can be, not to be full of hate, to love Partizan with all of their hearts.
Time will show what happened here, who was right and who was just full of shit!
We are going to do our things, like always, work in silence day and night and most important we will never create bullshit stories!
Best Regards,
Grobari Jug
Undertakers South
Internet campaign with well known methods,where they are using all kind of tricks to spin reality
twist facts and minds of common citizen to think that all of Undertakers (Grobari) are same.
They are putting labels on us, such as Gypsies (Cigani), Informers/Rats(Dousnici), Cops(Policajci/Murijasi).
Brain washing is happening big time through social network such as Facebook and forums which they
are saying that they contain "truth".
Without any confusion and lies, I would like to admit and say that South(Juzna Tribina) is not perfect
We have to put a lot of effort and
work together and then we can place South on honest foundations.
South (Juzna Tribina) has its winnings and losings, sometimes more, sometimes less which is absolutely normal.
One quarter of Undertakers (Grobari) are attending games and they are active in everything that is happening there.
Three quarters of Undertakers are not coming to games for couple of years already, and their word or voice can be heard only
in case when they are spiting on us through Internet.
First group of guys that i was telling you about are strong and brave.They are not hesitating to go in "war" and they will do anything
to defend name of Partizan and Undertakers ( Grobari ).
We have several generations of youngsters which never had equal opponent.
Meaning to say (in other words): They are growing up in opressing and bad environment, they are standing their ground always,no matter what
which is really important if we concider fact that they are always outnumbered by their opponent.
Youngsters,together with us "Older" guys are helping to maintain our South and to keep it going and growing.
Main point is that guys from other group were once with us, side by side, and now they gave them selves right to talk shit and spitt on us
from their comfortable houses,apartments,rooms.
Counting defeats,laughing and over all they never moved their finger to help South become stronger and better, while they were with us!
Sometimes it looks like they made "Deal With The Devil" to fix their twisted minds and help their frustrations to go away.
We want to say to all people on South, do not hate our brothers on other side, there is a lot of righteous, good and brave people there!
Because their minds fell for tricks and picture they see is bigger than they can see , there is always other side of story!
False idols are making everything different and twisted, those idols made them believe in fairy tales!
Mistake can happen to anybody, point is to realize that mistake and to make it right while there is still time for changes,
South will never allow those "False Idols" to start avalanche of negativity and call us names they're inventing with their twisted minds.
We cannot allow them to call us Gypsies( Cigani), them, who brought those Gypsies to stand with us and pretend to be our friends and brothers!
To call us " COWARDS" ?!
Running around trying to catch a cab and go from there as far as possible, leaving kids which could loose their lifes.
Some of them escaped outside,some of them jumped over fense to be on West,East, some of there hid themselves im crowd so nobody can recognize them.
Nobody stayed there with those kids and couple of guys from Croatia (Hrvatska).
Ok,when that kind of people call us "COWARDS", we cannot take it as an insult.
Sad thing is that they took money for family of our beloved Demir, God rests his soul, and paid their debts.
Saying that Demir is their brother,still.
No shame at all.
People who took money for our brothers in jails all over the country and spend it on gamble.
To be exact 13.000 euros
People who call our players to give money for our brothers in jail and put it in their pockets.
Tracksuits of FC Partizan selling in city of Kosovska Mitrovica and they where intended for kids.
To call us various names people who brought people from Croatia who will attack rest of Grobari (Undertakers).
Tell Albanians where we keep our flags?
Those people are talking about honor and fair play!?
On top of everything they are not coming to games but thinking that they are bosses.
They give orders ,everyone obeys.
Sorry but it cannot be like that, it will never be like that!
Who were people form Croatia and why? No answer from them.
They are saying that they want "righteous" and "clean" things to happen between us.
And yet we see intruders among us!
Stop telling shit to youngsters, stop making them attack their brothers, so couple of you can make money while they are killing each other.
Stop twisting story about Demir Jukic, it turns out that guys from South killed him. Thas is a big lie!
He got killed by friends of your leader,your leader is hanging out with them on daily basis.
Favorite guest in 21.Blok !
He, who is now on top of "Odred Demira Jukica", didnt even came at Demir's funeral, nor Alen's, nor funeral of Ivan Perovic.
But he was there in first lines at funeral of Velibor Dunjic.
The guy who was shooting at Grobari, stabbing and trying to do all kind of things
South continues where it stopped, we are going to follow Partizan where ever he is!
We gonna teach our youngsters to be real knights to be honest and righteous.
We are going to teach them to be good to their brothers no matter on which side they can be, not to be full of hate, to love Partizan with all of their hearts.
Time will show what happened here, who was right and who was just full of shit!
We are going to do our things, like always, work in silence day and night and most important we will never create bullshit stories!
Best Regards,
Grobari Jug
Undertakers South
Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018
Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018
Partizan NEU

Nach den internen Auseinandersetzungen im letzten Veciti Derby hat sich bei Grobari eine neue Fraktion gebildet, um die Macht auf der Tribüne von Alcatraz zu erobern. In der neuen Fraktion sind Gruppen wie Young-Boys und Vandal-Boys. Capo ist der alte bei Alcatraz gekickte Vorsänger „Kimi“. Zum ersten Mal aktiv waren sie heute im Basketballspiel gegen Zadar. Die neue Fraktion bildete einen eigenen Fanblock und provozierte dabei mit „Cigani“ Rufen gen Alcatraz, da in deren Umfeld in der Vergangenheit ehemalige Delije-Szeneleute aufgenommen wurden (Cigani = Spitzname für Delije). Alcatraz provozierte derweil mit Rufen „Wo sind eure Leute aus Split“. Hintergrund hierfür ist die Beteiligung diverser Kroaten auf Seiten der Young-Boys & Vandal Boys im Kampf gegen Alcatraz während des letzten Derbys. Hier ein Video vom Spiel gegen Zadar:
Montag, 15. Januar 2018
Köln versus Gladbach
Als Securitys verkleidete Kölner klauen die Fahne des "Scenario Fanaticos" vom Zaun.
Zwei Ultras des 1. FC Köln haben in der Halbzeitpause der Partie gegen Borussia Mönchengladbach für einen Platzsturm einiger Anhänger auf beiden Seiten gesorgt. Als Ordner verkleidet, gelangten sie zum Gästeblock und brachten eine Fahne der Borussia-Fans in ihren Besitz. Anschließend musste die Polizei aufziehen.
Rund zwei Dutzend Borussia-Fans sprangen ihrerseits über den Zaun und wollten den FC-Fans nachsetzen. Doch zuerst hielten Ordner sie zurück, Sekunden später zog die Polizei vor dem Gästeblock auf, die Anhänger der Gäste flüchteten zurück in die Nordkurve. Allerdings zogen die Gladbacher Ultras Konsequenzen aus der gestohlenen Fahne: Sie entfernten alle sichtbaren Banner und Fahnen von den Zäunen und stellten im Kern ihre Unterstützung für die Mannschaft ein.
Sonntag, 14. Januar 2018
Montag, 8. Januar 2018
Sonntag, 7. Januar 2018
Deutschland im Winter
Auseinandersetzung zwischen Leverkusen & Münster Fans
Im Ulrich-Haberland-Stadion neben der BayArena kam es gestern zu einem Testspiel zwischen Bayer Leverkusen und Preußen Münster. Nach dem Spiel kam es zu einer Auseinandersetzung beider Fanlager. Laut Polizeiangaben sollen an den Vorfällen insgesamt 70 Personen beteiligt gewesen sein.
Wie die Polizei erklärte, sammelten sich die Preußen-Fans auf der Bismarckstraße in Höhe der Dhünnbrücke, um geschlossen in Richtung der geparkten Autos zu gehen. Dabei soll es zu einem Angriff von 30 Bayer 04 Leverkusen-Fans gekommen sein. Aus diesem Angriff entwickelte sich eine Auseinandersetzung, die von der Polizei als massiv beschrieben wurde.
Die herbeieilenden Polizeibeamten forderten Verstärkung an und setzten unter anderem Pfefferspray ein, um die Auseinandersetzung zu beenden. Die Angreifer konnten anschließend flüchten, ohne von der Polizei kontrolliert zu werden.
Die Polizei kontrollierte anschließend die Fahrzeuge der Fans aus Münster und will dabei Passivbewaffnung und Pyrotechnik gefunden haben. Zwar erwähnte die Polizei die Funde, doch mit der Auseinandersetzung hatten die gefundenen Gegenstände letztlich nichts zu tun, da die Gegenstände bei der Kontrolle der Autos gefunden wurden. Die Polizei ermittelt nun wegen Landfriedensbruch und gefährlicher Körperverletzung sowie wegen Verstößen gegen das Sprengstoff- und Versammlungsgesetz. Welcher dieser Vorwürfe sich aufrecht erhalten lässt, bleibt abzuwarten.
Das sozialpädagogische Fanprojekt aus Münster, der FANport Münster, fragt sich, wie es überhaupt passieren konnte, dass so viele Heimfans zu den Parkplätzen der Gästefans vordringen konnten: „Nach dem Spiel in Leverkusen bleiben viele Fragen offen, unter anderem: Wieso konnten Leverkusenfans zu den Parkplätzen der Auswärtsfans gelangen? Preußenfans, die ihre Personalien „abgeben“ mussten, droht nun eventuell ein „Stadionverbot“. In diesem Fall bieten wir eine individuelle Beratung an. Melde dich gerne bei uns, wenn du entsprechend Post bekommst. Oder gerne auch einfach so“, heißt es dazu vom FANport. (Faszination Fankurve, 07.01.2018)
Samstag, 6. Januar 2018
Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2018
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